The is the ultimate most amazing lash treatment that Essense provides. We are actually one of the best in the industry. This treatment is the Length, Volume & Lift, which means with your own lash, we can achieve all 3 in one go – How is that for a treatment that not only opens your eye, low maintenance and it is “wake up and go”all you will need is your nourishing serum that helps maintain your lashes and helps it not to dry out. Because remember the lashes have been permed, so it needs nourishment.
Depending on your life style and the volume achieved including your own natural volume, you may or may not need mascara. But if you do need it we advice you use our recommended products to help maintain your lashes and keep them healthy and lasts longer.
Aftercare is highly recommended so your lashes can last you at least up to 6 weeks. If you happen to have activities such as swimming, or working in a sauna, we advice that you take extra care. You may keep away from extreme heat within 24 hours of your treatment, but if you can not help it please wear your sunglasses.
Before this treatment, we highly recommend a sensitivity test – AKA patch test. Your eyes is important to you and believe me you would not want anything to happen to your eyes. This test determines if you will be allergic to the product or not. Do not take any chances when someone says to you it is okay? really!! and you believe it NO, it is not okay. Please do make time to have your patch test done before your treatment.